X-ray Diffractometer
D8 Advance x-ray Diffractometer from Bruker AXS
Sources available: Cu, Fe and Co.
Contact Personnel : Dr S Chaterjee and Dr P V Rajesh
Low Temperature High Magnetic Field Facility
The High Magnetic Field Low Temperature Facility was set up at UGC -DAE CSR-Kolkata Centre as a
multi-institutional multi-user project.
Positron Annihilation Setup
Positron Lifetime Spectrometer
A digital positron lifetime spectrometer is being installed.
Material Preparation Facilities
Vacuum Annealing Furnance |
Tube Furance |
Planetary ball mill |
The sample preparation lab of Materials Science group has all facilities to prepare the desired sample in bulk as well as in nano form. Both oxides and metallic alloys can be prepared.