Condensed matter at Kolkata Centre

X-ray Diffractometer

D8 Advance x-ray Diffractometer from Bruker AXS

Sources available: Cu, Fe and Co.

Detector: Scintillation and fast Lynx Eye Solid State Strip detector.

For doing XRD of thin films at very low angles Goebel mirror is available.

Geometry: Bragg–Brentano Geometry for powder samples as well as in the parallel beam geometry for thin film samples.

Contact Personnel : Dr S Chaterjee and Dr P V Rajesh

Low Temperature High Magnetic Field Facility

The High Magnetic Field Low Temperature Facility was set up at UGC -DAE CSR-Kolkata Centre as a multi-institutional multi-user project.

The facility consists of

  • A cryogen-free 15 Tesla superconducting magnet with integrated variable temperature insert for magneto-transport measurements in the temperature range 1.5 to 300K

  • A SQUID magnetometer up to 7T field in the temperature range 2-400K with an evercool dewar along with an ac susceptometer(upto 1 kHz).

  • 4K CCR based system is capable to measure electrical conductivity of samples in zero magnetic field.

Positron Annihilation Setup

Positron Lifetime Spectrometer

A digital positron lifetime spectrometer is being installed.

Two tapered cone BaF2 scintillator detectors (coupled to Hamamatsu R3377 photo-multiplier tubes) have been used.

The anode signals from the detectors, are coupled to CAEN based digitizer. o

Currently a 250 MHz digitizer (CAEN DTS 5725) are being used.

The preliminary results are shown, wherein the prompt time resolution obtained is around 280 ps.

Material Preparation Facilities

Vacuum Annealing Furnance

Tube Furance

Planetary ball mill
The sample preparation lab of Materials Science group has all facilities to prepare the desired sample in bulk as well as in nano form. Both oxides and metallic alloys can be prepared.
